PLBs (3 products)

If you’re an outdoor adventurer or someone who loves to go off the beaten path, having a Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) on hand is an absolute must.


PLBs help you stay safe in the event of an emergency by relaying your location to emergency services, even if you’re seemingly in the middle of nowhere.

Explore Top-Quality PLBs for Your Outdoor Adventures

At Johnny Appleseed GPS, we sell some of the best PLBs money can buy, including the Australian-made GME MT610G Personal Locator Beacon. Keep yourself safe while adventuring less travelled spaces around the world.

Essential Gear for Outdoor Enthusiasts

When you spend a lot of time exploring outdoor locales that are off the beaten track, a device like a PLB is an essential piece of kit. If anything happens that leaves you needing emergency assistance, you’ll be glad you have one on hand.

Shop PLBs Online in Australia

Shop our online store today to get the device that’s right for you and enjoy free shipping Australia-wide. You can also visit one of our stores in Brisbane, Sydney, or South Kilda to view the range in person.

FAQs About PLBs

A PLB is designed to provide users with a way of relaying their location to relevant search and rescue teams in the event of an emergency. They’re an essential survival tool for anyone who spends a lot of time exploring less ventured locations, whether camping in the wilderness or heading out into uncharted waters.

Unlike most common GPS units, PLBs are specifically designed to be useable in any part of the world and do not rely upon cell towers in order to triangulate your position. Instead, PLBs utilise satellite networks, which can be accessed wherever you.

So, where other GPS units (including the GPS in smartphones) can lose much of their ability to locate you in areas without cell service, PLBs bypass this by focusing on satellite networks only.

All PLBs are designed for emergency use so that emergency services can pinpoint your location around the world.

When choosing a PLB, some features to look out for are:

  • Durable design - you want the PLB to be able to endure harsh environments, especially if you need to have it activated.
  • A good warranty - if your PLB includes an extensive multi-year warranty, it’s a sign that the manufacturer is confident in the durability and reliable shelf life of the product.
  • Compact and portable - given a PLB is something you’d take with you into more remote areas, you want to ensure it’s easily portable and isn’t a hassle to carry with you. Many PLBs can fit into jacket pockets or a side pocket in a backpack.

Yes! Whether you’re going for a hike, sailing, climbing or adventuring in general, a PLB is a great device to have on hand should you find yourself stranded. Thanks to its utilisation of satellite networks, a PLB will serve you well in any location.

PLBs are designed for various emergency use cases and can be used by anyone who finds themselves in an emergency situation. PLBs need to be manually activated by the user and will send out an emergency signal that typically lasts 24 to 48 hours.

Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) are designed specifically for maritime use and, as such, are designed to be waterproof. They also must transmit for a minimum of 48 hours.

They can be manually activated or are sometimes designed to automatically send a distress signal if the EPIRB comes into contact with water (likely indicating the vessel could be sinking).

While both are there to provide emergency authorities with a user’s location, PLBs are designed for all use cases while EPIRBs are specifically designed for the maritime industry.